I'm Not Crazy!
Mysteries, True Crime, Cryptids, Paranormal. From Aliens to Zodiac, join us as we explore it all!
I'm Not Crazy!
The Case of Amy Saint Laurent | Psychic Case #3
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October 20, 2001, PORTLAND, MAINE, Amy Saint Laurent was out on the town with a friend of hers, enjoying the Halloween season. After some food and drinks, the friends settled on a club called The Pavillion, where at about 1am Amy would disappear forever. Fast-forward a few days after Amy would disappear, Deputy Chief Joseph Loughlin would be listening to the radio when the voice of Vicki Monroe, a radio psychic. Completely desperate for a lead, Loughlin calls Monroe, but wasn’t prepared for what happened next. This is THE CASE OF AMY SAINT LAURENT.
Do you have a story of your own? Share it below! it may show up in a future episode!
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Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
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