I'm Not Crazy!
Mysteries, True Crime, Cryptids, Paranormal. From Aliens to Zodiac, join us as we explore it all!
I'm Not Crazy!
The Flatwoods Monster
Have any interesting stories to tell us? Lets us know here!
Today I’m going to take you back, all the way to 1952, as we said last week, before color was invented. Three children were playing in the town of Flatwoods, West Virginia, when suddenly what looks like a meteor crash lands on a nearby farm. The kids immediately went to investigate. Once at the crash site, they would see a “pulsating ball of fire”, followed by a noxious smell. And then a creature started to emerge, changing the future of the town forever. This is the story of THE FLATWOODS MONSTER.
Do you have a story of your own? Share it below! it may show up in a future episode!
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Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
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